Welcome to Elitephysio
The Best Medical experts and
qualified staff

Elite Physio is a Physiotherapy or Physical Rehabilitation center in Jakarta (AXA Tower).
We are Focuses on Providing high-quality and accessible treatment for some of the most common sports and musculoskeletal conditions such as Back pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, etc.
At Elite Physio, our licensed and Experienced Physiotherapists use a set of Specific Exercises, Manual Therapy, and combine them with Electroteraphy Devices to treat clients ranging from athletes, the elderly, and daily workers
Physiotherapy can help to prevent and rehabilitate sports injuries. They do targeted interventions to decrease pain, strengthen the injured area, and help you return to competition.
Physiotherapy can help to prevent and rehabilitate Neck pain, Low back pain, mobility problem, and joint stiffness that become common problems of office workers nowadays. Heat Therapy, Stretching, and other techniques will Physiotherapy does to solve your pain. Make you back to work faster and enhance your work performance.
Degenerative changes such as Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Joint Stiffness, Balance, and Coordination deficit is a common problem that occurs in Elderly People. Physiotherapy can help to make specific exercise programs to manage decreased functional ability and enhance joint mobility, balance, and coordination. Because you deserve
What to Expect on Your Visit?
1 on 1 Private Assessment and Consultation with Our Physiotherapist
Our Physiotherapist Will Prescribe a treatment and Exercise plan specially for You
Manual Therapy; Stretching; Electrical Stimulation; Ultrasound Therapy; Kinesiotape; Stretching; Dry Needling; Infrared, Traction and Education